Rhetorical situation where I run into my roommate in the Macy’s elevator.
Hey Joey, oh cool your buying a new pan for cooking. Look before you use that, I just want to talk to you about washing that after your done cooking on it. I’m getting really worried that your going to give yourself food poisoning if you continue to cook things the same way. I’m telling you this because I’ve noticed you doing a couple things that are really unsafe. The other day you made chicken and didn’t clean the pan. Then you went back the next day and fried chicken on the same pan. Now I know you told me that it was clean enough because you did wash it, but all you did was run water over it. Joey, I really can't stress to you enough about how unsafe that is. Old meat is dangerous to eat and chicken is probably the worst of them all. I can't always be there to make sure that your keeping your food sanitary, so I'm just making sure you know how important it is to keep it clean.
Tell him the dangers of cooking with old food.
Counter argument: He thinks its safe just to wash it with water.