Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Executions should be public


I will start off by introducing myself and my topic. After I have done this I will begin to try and explain how the general population no longer looks at prisoners like people. This will lead me into my argument about how public executions will bring more humanity to the prisoners themselves. 


I have a lot of research to do but I want to examine the history of public executions. I want to see how they started and why they stopped. In my opinion they used to be extremely violent and public, but over time they have gotten less violent and less public. This seems to be because as societies grow smarter, the less capable we are to handle violence. I wan’t the history to show that we have become more and more uncomfortable with executions and thats why they became private. There’s a reason that we don’t want to see it and thats because in the back of our minds we know its wrong. Looking at historical facts will be the bulk of my speech. 

Modern day executions and prison system

In this section I will attempt to appeal to our own feelings about prisoners. I want people to see that they really don’t think about prisoners like people, because they don’t see them. They have been hidden away from public view. Then I will say that if we saw them get executed we would be aware that they were in fact a person and it is wrong to kill them, no matter their crime. This is intended to get people to think about not just executions, but the larger issue of prisoner rights and the need for transparency. I believe that public executions can cause all around reform to the whole institution. 

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