The next speech that I give needs more preparation. I wanted to do a more complex topic for speech number three, but I didn’t give myself enough time. When I did speech number two I had a good amount of preparation time and was able to give a presentation that I was proud of. When I prepared for this speech I gave myself as much time to prepare as I did with the second one. This was a mistake.
Another thing that I would like to start doing is to make sure that I cite my sources for my prezi. I didn’t mention any of my sources when I was talking to the class, even though I used many examples of execution methods from history. It makes me feel like my speech lacked credibility, even though the examples were historically accurate.
The next thing that I wan’t to focus on more is the way I present myself to the class. When I did speech two I moved around a lot, which made me more engaging to the audience. Unfortunately, for speech three I mostly stood by the computer. This was clearly not as entertaining for the class and did not command attention as it should have.
During my practice of speech three I failed to end it on the same time consistently. Sometimes I would fall under the time limit and sometimes I would be over the limit. When I actually gave the presentation the the class, I wen’t one minute over the four minute limit. I don’t really know how this happened, but in the future I would very much like to end when I am supposed too.
I felt that the topic I was giving was of some importance and I needed a strong finish to make my point. The problem I faced with my speech was that I didn’t feel like a gave a strong closing statement. I really wanted to craft my words in a way that would make people think, but instead I jumbled my words around so much that what I said didn’t really seem to stick. I n the the next speech I really wan’t to be able to make a strong well crafted closing statement.
For speech number four I would really like to stop looking so uncomfortable when I am talking. I don’t really look natural when I am up there and I feel like it takes away from the presentation.
Another thing that I would like to stop is my use of “um”. Especially when I am doing a topic that is of importance. I feel that it makes me sound unintelligent and doesn’t give me credibility when talking about my subject.
I also want to stop looking at the power point so much when I talk. Speech number two went pretty well, but I felt that for speech number three I was back to looking at the computer. When ever I put to much focus on the computer I end up speaking very mechanically, which brings me to my next point. For speech number three I would like to stop speaking so monotoned. My voice really didn’t change pitch throughout the presentation, so it made for a very boring five minutes.
I would like to continue giving speeches that have interest to me. I really liked the topic that I chose to talk about, and felt that it is something that should be addressed. This is something that I feel all speeches should have, because most of the time the one speaking will do a better job.
I would also like to continue speaking directly to my audience and really scan the room. This made me look less nervous and helped to engage more with the audience. I didn’t just stick to one side of the room as I often do.
Another thing that I would like to continue is opening up with another strong opening statement. I feel that it helped me to engage with the class and keep people interested even though they may not have liked the rest.
Ryan Fotchman: I felt that Ryan gave a good speech because of the way he focused his prison sweatshop topic on bringing manufacturing back to the U.S. I felt like it was a creative way of making a controversial subject more appealing.
Conner Thompson: I liked when he threw the change onto the table. It kept me very interested in his speech and made it more fun to watch. Thats something that I wouldn’t think to do.
Nick: Nicks presentation was funny and I thought he made his point more credible when he showed the video of the size of the universe.