Monday, April 18, 2016

Speech 4 Outline

For speech number four my group is taking an abandoned hardware store and making it into a Fun Zone for kids. The store is in Carpentaria and is big enough to accommodate many different  activities. We are planning on putting in a rock wall with a foam pitt at the base, bowling, lazier tag, and two rooms for rent. The building is is going to be called the “dump” and is intended to be for kids who are in their mid-teens. The speech will consist of the creator trying to convince investors to put money into the project. 

McCool: CEO
McCool will try an appeal to the investors by describing  the need for the dump and how it will influence the community for the better. She will describe the “dump” in detail and then explain the financial aspect. 

Me: Investor
I will be an investor who probably has a background in construction. I will be asking McCool question in order for her to bring up more facts about “the dump”, and land on more subjects.

March: Investor
March will be another Investor who has a different background than I do. This will make it easier for McCool to answer more questions and bring up different subjects. 

Jimenez: Teenager,Mother,Citizen

Sarah will be playing three different rolls to show diverse opinion in the community. Her role as a teenager will show that she doesn’t have a lot to do in the town so “the Dump” would be a great place to hang out. As a mother she will explain that this new fun zone will help her kid to stay out of trouble. As a citizen she will bring up the rock climbing wall and say that it is the only access someone like them has to that equipment.

The design of our Prezi is in the form of a Blue Print and will show the layout of “The Dump”. 

The research that we have to do will encompass many aspects. 

  • The driving distance between Santa Barbara and Carpentaria. This will show the Lack of activities that kids in Carpentaria have access too.
  • Crime rates in Carpanteria caused by the Youth. 
  • Vandillism reports
  • Cost of Land
  • Cost of equipment
  • Rent Cost

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